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2011年6月3日 星期五

Why It Is Important to Perform Weaknesses Analysis

Every organization should perform a weaknesses analysis in order to let them keep track of their resources and weak points. By being aware of your weak points, you will have plenty of time to find solutions and resolve internal problems right away. Do you know why some companies meet their downfall in such a short span of time despite having performed every single sophisticated analysis that they could ever think of? That is because even though they conducted a weaknesses analysis, they never put enough attention to it. They only focused on the "weakness" that is relevant to their company's profitability. Still not clear?

Like man, no company is perfect. Each has its own flaws but what's important is to not only resolve those flaws, but use them as a stimulator of the organization to do better. When you conduct a weaknesses analysis, make sure that you won't be focusing on the profitability weakness alone. Even the smallest things, like department fights, a broken generator or the cries of the maintenance personnel should be heard and resolved. Remember that every tiny piece that composes an organization could spark and start a fire. That fire is failure.

Of course, not just because you conducted a weaknesses analysis necessarily mean that all your internal problems will be solved. Prioritization is the key. Rank what is the biggest weakness of the company and evaluate them one by one based on importance. Don't take me wrong, everything is important, but let us deny the fact that there are some things that cannot be resolved in one day. The point of a weaknesses analysis is to keep you aware of these flaws and weak points so that if ever in time you will get enough resources to resolve each, you will know which one should be given attention to first.

Now, I mentioned that you must try to turn these weaknesses as a drive to make you push through further which is the exact concept of weaknesses analysis. That is absolutely true. Imagine in real life where there was a wimpy kid that used to be teased so much when he was younger. Instead of dwelling into his weakness, he decided to hit the gym, participate in sports and eventually got himself healthy. Now, he is prepared to face the world as it is because he performed his own weaknesses analysis subconsciously. That is exactly what you need to do with your company. You think you lack some technological resources? Improve your service through manpower in order for you to attract more customers and clients. When you have enough budgets, invest into technological advancement. Weaknesses analysis is not developed to bring a company down, but to bring it up and give it the determination to strive better in order to fill its gaps.

Despite many ways to conduct weaknesses analysis, the most recommended one is through the use of the SWOT strategic planning tool. In SWOT, not only will you be able to evaluate your company's strengths, threats and opportunities, but it will also help you reflect on to your own weaknesses as a leader, as personnel or as a company in whole.

If you are interested in weaknesses analysis, check this web-site to learn more about swots analysis weaknesses.

