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2011年6月12日 星期日

How Six Sigma and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Create A More Productive Business Environment

While it isn't possible to prevent every problem from occurring, it is possible to put a damper on many of them in order to eliminate the presence of unwanted issues that could potentially slow down your business' productivity. Six Sigma provides many very useful tools for doing just that. One that is frequently used in various aspects of an organization is failure mode and effects analysis otherwise known as FMEA.

FMEA is used to diagnose potential problems and find solutions before they really have an opportunity to develop. This saves organizational leaders a lot of time and money in the long run and translates into more time for normal business operations that will increase the overall level of productivity. This, in turn will increase profits which is the true aim of any corporation.

Six Sigma and FMEA are used in large organizations throughout the world and have become value tools on many levels of business. Results have shown these tools to be very successful and companies have reported their productivity levels are on the rise as a result of utilizing them.

A well documented FMEA that contains robust action plans will help companies gain a better foothold on various issues in all aspects of the company. The Implementation of these plans is what helps organizations avoid the reworking of various projects. This saves a considerable amount of time and money because the information is there that enables them to be successful the first time around.

FMEA can also be used to minimize risks. It can be applied in various services to help companies avoid certain actions that could pose problems later on in a particular project. This is one of the greatest advantages of using FMEA and Six Sigma together. There is always risk involved in every business, so the more organizations are able to eliminate these risks, the more successful they will be all around. This, of course, will spell out larger profits due to a more productive atmosphere in the end.

Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

