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2011年5月31日 星期二

Technical Analysis And Stock Trading For Indian Markets

I have been following stock markets since 2001, and since then I have been a follower of technical analysis which has the power to tell the future and of stock trends and obviously trend changing indications as well. In india there are three type of normal traders, One who is against technical analysis, second who is least bothered about technical and fundamentals and want trade in stock market on the basis of tips, third is the one who wants to follow/use technical analysis methods to take entry/exit in stock market.

I am always a follower of technical analysis and will always be, since it never fails, yes, it could fail only when your interpretational skills are wrong and I have this in mind that charts are never wrong.

If some trader says you that technical analysis is a complete failure or is useless, then these are those people who have failed to interpret the charts successfully, its just like a difference between an amateur doctor and a professional experienced doctor, you take your lung x-ray to both, the amateur doctor says that you don't have Tuberculosis, and the professional doctor says you do have it, where's the difference? its in the interpretational skills, doctor's wrong diagnosis on wrong interpretation can cause lot of problems!

The same thing is applied in charts = x-rays, I am trying to compare charts with x-rays because just like x-rays are a negative print of your body the same way charts are a print of any stock. You have to learn the interpretational skills in order to understand what is happening in the stock and what is expected to happen in near future, a trend reversal or a trend continuation?

Charts explain everything about the future and short term movements in the stock.

Technical analysis is a vast subject and people(traders,investors,amateurs) are slowly realising this science as a gateway to successful intra-day trading and yes, long term investing, using some technical analysis software and trying to figure out what is expected the next day on the basis of stock filtration technique using some in built parameters in the software.

One such software is Metquotes, which can be downloaded from [] and is developed by myself in vbasic .net, this software uses my scanning methods and generates reports on the basis of the filtration methods using the End of Day stock quotes which are also downloaded by this software from

This software does scanning only on EOD(End of day) data, it does'nt provide real time data, now you will ask a question that why is this software based on EOD instead of real time data? the answer is, its not required at all.

Many traders these days are buying real time feeds from vendors on the websites and paying them nearly 3000-5000 monthly only for the real time feeds, which are mostly compatible with METASTOCK PROFESSIONAL, an Equis product, available at

What I tell to my that you don't need real time feeds from these vendors, instead choose a good broker which can provide real time quotes in a trading terminal which can be very economical and you have to pay only one time fee, Rs200 or Rs500, thats it!

The trading terminals have real time quotes and the stock graphs can be seen in those terminals, the prices of stocks change every other second in that terminal.

I have used all trading terminals, the best currently which is available is Angel Anywhere, from angel broking,

Their software is pretty good designed for professional technical analysts. You can see at a time 6-10 graphs easily on the terminal, plot all types of indicators on the graphs and you can have bar and candle graphs. I normally use candlesticks for analysis so by default when I login into Angel Anywhere software, all the settings are loaded, which obviously I saved from last login.

My trading method for intra-day is, by scanning EOD data from METQUOTES, i choose the best stocks on the basis of volume and price breakout, then I do analysis of charts of the chosen stocks in METASTOCK PROFESSIONAL, and calculate the resistance and support levels.

The next day I track the same stocks and take buy/short sell positions in those stocks.

This looks pretty easy but requires lot of hard work, the phrase EASY MONEY, doesn't exist in the technical analysis field.

The main system which reduces my technical analysis time is METQUOTES, since it scans the break out stocks, and filters the laggards.

Metquotes is at []

That is all for now!

This article is written by Mohit Thapar, technical analyst and trader in stock market who is managing his website and are his views and any decisions taken by any reader of this article after reading it, in stock market then the reader is solely responsible for his/her actions. Stock market is a very volatile place to invest your hard earned money, and you might incur losses if you don’t follow some rules, or you should hire either a technical analyst or financial analyst to manage your money. If you are interested to post this article on your site, then please don’t delete this disclaimer and give a link back to Bookprofit is a registered trade mark. Bookprofit is registered.

Mohit Thapar is a technical analyst and webmaster for He also conducts technical analysis training for 3 days on weekends, in New Delhi, India. He gives free technical analysis support to all traders for 1 month after successful completion of a 3 day workshop.

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2011年5月30日 星期一

Forex Video Course

Complete Forex Video Course. Learn Forex through Video and mentoring. Basics, Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis, Psychology of Trading, Complete Strategies and More. Make $98.50 per sale.

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Incredible Trading Times Inner Circle Membership

Trading Home Run Anticipation, Practical Adventures in Technical Analysis, What's Working Now in Trading, Past Home Run Code's Cracked, Secrets of Copying Successful Traders and How to Win in Your Trading Series of Monthly Reports for Success in Trading.

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2011年5月28日 星期六

Analysis Paralysis - The Enemy of Your Success

You have probably heard of this phrase before. What is it and do you have it?

In my opinion Analysis Paralysis is the biggest enemy of the poor and the major obstacle to actually making money online or off. There are other big obstacles like excuses or lack of education, but these fall far behind Analysis Paralysis. This one "disease" affects a lot of people and most likely you are infected with it, too.

What is Analysis Paralysis?

Analysis Paralysis is the condition of over-thinking a course of action to the point you actually never take action. It's when you try to think of all of the reasons you might fail, and allow those reasons to paralyze you from taking positive action. You actually over-analyze to the point where succeeding is overshadowed by these negative thoughts.

Properly thinking about and preparing for possible pitfalls BEFORE taking action is a good thing. It is always good to think about the costs and the risks of a course of action before you act so as to minimize those costs. As I said, this is a good thing.

However, what most people do, even when they are given detailed, step-by-step instructions, is over-think and over-analyze the goal they are trying to reach and they become overwhelmed by the weight of just thinking about it. After so much thought, they just give up and never take action towards their goal.

What I have discovered in business and in other important matters of life is that some things can't be learned by just thinking about it. A lot of learning comes by actually doing it.

For example, if a young boy wants to become a professional quarterback when he is older, he could study or go to a science class and learn about the physics of velocity, trajectory, lift and gravity in order to throw the perfect football pass. He may even get a high grade on his physics exam. But this way of learning can only take him so far. Somewhere along the line he has to get on that football field and actually throw the ball to learn how to throw the perfect pass.

"There's learning by theory but there is a greater learning by doing."

What Analysis Paralysis does is have that young boy sitting on the sidelines of the football field, watching the other boys playing the game while he sits there and THINKS about the physics of the football rather than actually PLAYING the game.

That's not fun at all!

If you want to make money online, you have to get into the game. You have to take action and sometimes with action there comes failure. But as someone famous said long ago, "failure is a good teacher."

And if you learn (by taking action) you will succeed.

So don't let Analysis Paralysis rob you of your dreams. You can succeed in life. You can reach the goals you set for yourself. You can make the money you want to make if you take action doing the right thing today.

Do you want honest information to make you REAL money? Bryan Jones invites you to The Honest Business Report at where you can learn of legitimate business opportunities that will make you the money you want - without all the hype.

2011年5月27日 星期五

Coping With Failure

There are many ways in which you can create conditions that are conducive to your achievement, success and happiness in your life. There are countless ways in which you can take charge of your life and shape your choices and your future. Whatever methods you choose, positive affirmations vastly improve the chances of your success and reduce the time you may need to realize your goals. Positive thoughts reinforced by positive affirmations and mixed with strong emotions, faith in yourself and your ability to persist and shape the events in your life will bring you rich rewards enhance your self esteem and pave the way for success and happiness in your life. You become the center of your actions and the source of your success. You pour energy into words that'll transform your life and herald your success. But what happens when you hit rock bottom and fail?

Failure vs. Success: The emotion that this type of thinking is generally a chosen outcome? Nothing bites us more hurtfully than failure. Especially in case of people with low self confidence and a poor self-esteem the pain and fear associated with failure can be quite serious, damaging and debilitating, that is if your think it to be so. Failure prevents many unfortunate victims from being true to their potential and realizing their cherished dreams because it creates and or compounds negativity, skepticism, indecision, anxiety and depression (just to mention a few side issues) Concerned as we are with success and survival of living in a competitive world that looks up to its achievers and winners and looks down on even castigates losers, even people with normal self esteem tend to react to failure with a negative frame of mind and attitude, and with feelings of inadequacy, incompetence and loss of self-esteem.

Know that you can deal with failure: For the ultimate triumph of success, failure can be dealt with in a positive and decisive way. Failure can be managed intelligently and pragmatically just as we can manage our day to day problems as a part of our daily struggle for survival. Failure can be confronted, studied and dealt with, in a rationale and objective manner, before it consumes us with the raw force of its negativity and overwhelms us with its oppressive feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. The best way to deal with failure is to deal with it as if it is a problem that need to be resolved in the path of our goal oriented action after all failure is only a thought, an emotion, which one chooses to Succumb to rather to any other available alternatives.

REMEMBER that it is only quitters, cop-outs that are the failures.

Accept failure as a process: Failure is not the end of our or any actions but a part or product of them. It is a phase with in a phase. A problem within a problem, a nightmare with in a dream that exists because it has a message to deliver and a lesson to teach. With a non-success/achievement, stop think re-organize/plan and re-apply.

Just as pain and suffering are hidden in our lives, failure is inherent in all actions and undertakings. For us to enjoy the fruit of success, we need to suffer the roughness of failure. The best thing about failure is it is temporary, manageable and solvable. As a concept, failure on the way to success is a seemingly less threatening concept to our sense of well being rather than the concept of failure as the sum total of our efforts. It is therefore better to treat failure this way and cope with it adequately.

Anticipate failure: Before you start choose your goal oriented action, anticipate what kind of problems and road blocks that you may expect on the way and prepare yourself adequately to cope with them, if and when they arise. Develop action plans, alternate scenarios and intervention mechanisms to deal with different kind of situations as they may develop from time to time and interfere with your progress. Anticipating failures during different stages of our goal oriented actions and preparing ourselves adequately to deal with them through alternative plans and approaches so as to become wiser, efficient and effective is a sign of mature thinking. This way we minimize our losses, conserve our resources, remain focused on our goals and stay on course. With this approach, failure becomes an integral part of our vision for success.

Develop an intelligent and positive attitude/approach: Imperfect as we are, though endowed with great many skills and vast intelligence, we cannot escape from the perils of the accessioned failure when we embark upon a course of action with which we are not very familiar or comfortable. Wisdom therefore demands an intelligent attitude and calculated approach towards the problem of failure. If we accept failure as an inherent vice in a learning situation or undertaking, consider it as a sign of some imperfection that is in need of a state of perfection, or a sign of inefficiency or ineffectiveness that is craving for an immediate and effective cure, we can use failure as an opportunity to measure our progress, polish our skills and faculties and deal with the problems of our lives effectively and efficiently. If we consider failure as a phase in the process of our improvement and development, we can use it for self-improvement and increased self-awareness.

Accept responsibility for your failure: Faced with failure, feeble minds tend to look outwardly to find the cause of their failure. Rather than accepting the responsibility heroically and finding solutions from within, they indulge in acts of self-deception and blame some person, element or extraneous condition as the cause of their failure. In the face of failure, probably this is one of the worst attitude any one can display to escape criticism. When you find yourself in the middle of a sea a desert, there is no point in blaming the water or the sun or the sand or fate, but accepts responsibility and does everything possible under the sun to stay on course and survive. Even if the actual cause is extraneous, by accepting responsibility one can learn wisely from the situation and prepare oneself for further action. Especially when you are part of a team effort, by accepting responsibility for your actions, you are earning the trust and respect of other team members and their continued support to deal with your failure. By accepting responsibility for your failures, you are confronting failure truthfully and realistically without being defeated by it or oppressed by it.

Act with equanimity of mind: Faced with failure, a wise person acts with commonsense and sense of humility knowing the fact that in this vast universe which is guided by a multitude of visible and invisible forces, diverse interests and mysterious intentions, which all come together in one's head, so all that one person can do is to think and play his or her role with positivity and sincerely. We should therefore think and stay focused on the techniques, details, processes and skills, stabilizing our minds purely on the action to be taken and avoid the anxiety commonly associated with goal oriented actions.

Be persistent: Weak, sceptical minds and negative attitudes are easily disheartened and often experience failure, (but will seldom admit to it) but not a strong mind determined to end failure through corrective and improvised action borne out of analysis and observation and sustained by the will to persevere. When faced with failure, a strong willed person would continue on his chosen path, knowing well that what can defeat them is not failure but his own unforeseen and untested fears and assumed limitations. He knows that he has the freedom and the opportunity to try different options and alternative methods to deal with failure and resolve it. A strong willed person would not give up, would not leave in between, would not abandon the hope of success and would not lose sight of the resources that he has invested in pursuit of success.

Seek help from others: When failure becomes an unavoidable option, people tend to withdraw into themselves and suffer alone. For a while their judgment gets impaired and their consciousness clogged with embarrassment and by the impurities of negative thinking. While this is a normal and immediate response to failure, successful people recover immediately from such situations. They bounce back and look for opportunities to overcome their deficiencies or rectify their mistakes and continue their efforts in the desired direction. They make an objective assessment of the situation, analyze their actions and seek others cooperation, inputs and involvement. It is true that success claims many followers and admirers, while failure many victims, critics and onlookers. Success breeds opportunities for friendship and increased social activity while failure brings in loneliness and desperation. The trick is to stay calm, remain focused and objective, ignore the ridicule and the insults from the critics and gather support and input from the sympathizers and well wishers for a fresh phase of renewed activity and corrective action.

Be creative: Failure is a problem that needs a solution through direct confrontation and use of creative ideas for sustained action. You cannot cope with failure through inaction or withdrawal from the pursuit of your goals. You cannot deal with failure by trying to escape from the feelings of failure and dejection. In the midst of failure it is difficult to concentrate and think objectively. But what is required most at this stage is objective outlook and creative approach. To cope with failure you need to think creatively and find alternative solutions that may help you remedy the situation and achieve success.

Creativity cannot thrive in a mind oppressed by the feelings of guilt, negativity, scepticism, despair and hopelessness. What is required is a relaxed and composed state of mind, ready for adventure and experimentation, focused and determined to tread the path till the objectives are realized. When faced with failure, therefore keep your mind open and allow it to think freely. Be creative and courageous to weight the options and take calculated risks. Become receptive to the free flow of ideas and thoughts. Using your creative faculties, challenge yourself with the will to succeed and the vision to be different and determined.

Think positively: A vast array of forces gather around us as we plunge into the pit of failure. Our own thoughts and attitudes start acting against us and make us feel negative and harsh towards ourselves and failures. Through our actions and expressions, we also turn enemies out of our friends and make things more difficult for us. Usually the mind has the habit of internalizing success and externalizing failure. While this is the usual defensive reaction, the mind also has the tendency to associate negative feelings with failure such as pain, frustration, distrust, loneliness, confusion, uncertainty and despondency. With the help of positive feelings, successful people usually recover from the bout of depression that usually accompanies failure. They motivate themselves to think positively and develop a positive plan of action to recover from failure. By keeping their hopes alive they keep their chances of success alive.

Be systematic: It helps to be organized and systematic, while engaged in a certain course of goal oriented action. Organized action helps you stay focused, conserve your resources and improve your chances of success. When your action leads to failure, if you are organized, the possibility of your recovery is much faster and easier. In an organized environment, you have better chances of analysing your past actions and isolating the causes of your failure. You can draw richly from the wealth of information gained by your previous experience and observation. It will also help you control your activities, measure your performance, and stay on course.

Failure is not an option in a competitive world where you are constantly challenged by people and circumstances to prove your strength and ability show your true worth and stay on top. But when faced with failure you've to consider the many options that are available to you and deal with it effectively, so that your fit loses the power to haunt you and make you feel small and defeated. You cannot set aside your failures, ignore them or wish them away. You need to face them squarely and in time, before they become unmanageable and precipitate crises and serious trouble. As you plan for success, be prepared to cope with failures on the way and learn from them. Or else be prepared for more failures, more problems and more lessons.

Failure is like a storm in the course of a voyage. It is a situation that is in proportion to your state of awareness and preparedness and is usually reflective of your level of your progress and skill levels. It demands timely and skillful action, planned and concerted approach, positive mental attitude, unyielding courage and conviction in the face of destabilizing environment and an organized thinking that can generate valuable ideas to help your ship stay afloat and on course. Therefore, take failure as a learning and remedial opportunity. Face it with courage. Deal with it courageously. Give it your best and make it your strength.

John is a health consultant, trainer and business coach. Using techniques and integral methodologies from his 40 years in the health (Habit and control) and obesity industry. John is able to successfully use those techniques and methodologies to help others achieve success. John's personal achievements have echoed through the management of numerous health studios which has reached to an international audience as well as a domestic level here in Australia. He has written numerous self-help programs which are portrayed by his 40 years experience in the health (Habit and control) and obesity industry.


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2011年5月26日 星期四

OCZ Technology Enyo Series 64 GB USB 3.0 Solid State Drive OCZSSDU3-1ENY64G

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How to Trade with Technical charts

Learn how to trade in stock market with ease. Play with Technical Chart, Indicators and Patterns. Make Profit and not loss. A compact ebook with a strategic approach towards technical analysis and stock market. Invest in yourself and be your Stock Guru.

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2011年5月25日 星期三

How You Can Defeat the Fear of Failure

Perhaps the greatest obstacle to success for most people is fear of failure. It prevents them from starting. It makes them excessively risk adverse. It can paralyze you. Do not let this common problem prevent you from realizing your aspirations.

Identify the Problem

The first step in defeating fear of failure is to recognize it. Are you a person who is constantly putting off things to wait for the right time? Are you suffering analysis paralysis where you spend days planning and analyzing the situation and never feeling you know enough to act? Does any form of risk, even calculated risk, prevent you from taking the next step? It is wise to carefully study your problem or goal and make sure you know what is at stake. It is prudent to investigate situations thoroughly and do your due diligence. However there must be a limit to this. Once you have done the due diligence you must be prepared to act or abandon the idea for good reason.

Lay the Foundation for Confidence

After you analyze your situation and determine that you are stopped by fear of failure it is time to lay a secure foundation to give yourself the confidence to move forward. Let's use the example of buying a piece of investment property. Due diligence requires that you thoroughly inspect the property for any defect. You will draw up a list of repairs that need to be done. If necessary you will arrange for an expert property inspection. You order a preliminary title report to assure clear title. You chat with neighbors of the property to determine if the history of the property is actually what the seller told you. You make necessary arrangements for financing and you do research on local rental rates so you can compute a reasonable cash flow analysis.

This is not an exhaustive list of real property acquisition due diligence, it is merely an example. Once you have done all the work to insure you know what you are getting into, how you are going to structure the deal and what your exit strategy may be, you have done your due diligence.

Know Your Genuine Limits

Write down a list of your actual limitations. It may be how much time you have to devote to an endeavor. If you are already working a 60 hour week, for example, how much time do you have left over to devote to a home based business? Be realistic but do not be negative. Explore all the possible options available to you. Analyze your financial situation and make a reasonable estimate of what you can afford. If you have a limit that makes your goal unattainable you can abandon it and go on to something that is attainable.

When listing your limitations however be careful not to see limits where there are none. Do not assume that everything that could possibly go wrong will. Do not be dominated by a disaster mindset. Disaster is always a possibility in everything we undertake but if we allow this fear to stop us we will never succeed at anything.

Distinguish Calculated Risk from Blind Risk

Risk adverse people are afraid of every possible risk. Prudent people calculate risk by being fully informed. Once the calculated risk is reasonable you can move forward. This is not the same as blind risk where someone steps into a situation without any information or any risk calculation.

Make a Plan

Now that you have all the reasonably necessary information and have calculated any reasonable risks you are prepared to make your plan. This is crucial because if you have a sound and well thought out plan you are not driving blind. You know what you need to do, when you need to do it and how you will get it done. This gives you tremendous confidence.


Now it is time to take action. You have done all the research you reasonably need to do, you have calculated the risk, and you have a solid plan. There is no longer any purpose to be served in waiting. It is now time to do it.

Start with smaller plans and goals that involve lower levels of risk. If you are investing in real estate for example, do not start out buying a 50 unit apartment complex, start out buying a small single family residence. You then work up to higher risk endeavors as you build experience and knowledge. As you succeed in one endeavor after another you gain further confidence and the fear of failure becomes less of a problem.

Taking risks can be scary. Most significant goals or projects will inevitably have some level of risk. Being nervous about signing on the dotted line, whether you are buying a car, investing, or anything else, will cause some stress. This is normal and if you feel no concern at all about what you are doing it may be a sign that you are over confident.

However, once you lay the groundwork we have discussed here and gained some confidence over time you will find the fear of failure no longer prevents you from succeeding.

Daniel R. Murphy writes on success and how you can build wealth. Would you like to learn how others have been successful in business and in life? For a free success ebook and much information which can help make you successful and financially independent visit Begin your self-education today learning how others have become successful and rich! Do it today!

2011年5月24日 星期二

WebComp Analyst - SEO link analysis, pure and simple

The fastest, most powerful, easiest tool for analyzing backlinks to get ranked in Google.

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Five Tips For Getting the Software Requirement Analysis Right the First Time

Importance of Requirement Analysis We all know that requirements need to gathered before any software development project. Do we really understand the importance of it....

Getting requirements right, early in your project, can save you one-third or more of your overall project budget. (Hooks and Farry, 2001)

You save money by getting requirements right to begin with. Why? Because fixing requirements errors accounts for 70% to 80% of your rework costs (Leffingwell, 1997).

The quality of the requirements captured will be define to a great extent if your project will be a success or a failure. Sometimes you may be asked to cut down the requirement capture time my argument to that would be "If you cannot invest in getting the requirements done right the first time, how are you going to afford the cost and time that would be required to fix it which would be much more that what needs to be invested now."

Tips for Requirement Analysis The requirement analysis and capture process should result in documentation which will cover the following aspects:

Define the Problem and High level description of the solution. The requirement Analyst needs to understand the problem and the need for solution. The questions which need to answered here are

What problems is the solution going to resolve? What benefits is the company going to derive from the solution? Are the requirements implementable?

Apart from answering the above questions a high level description of the solution which needs to be developed and the business needs it is going to address needs to be documented.

Cover needs of all stakeholders and users of the solution. You need to make sure that needs of all stakeholders are understood. You also need to understand the needs of the people who are ultimately going to use the solution / system. This is very important so that the solution delivers on all counts.This will also help in identifying conflicting requirements if any.

Define what the solution should and should not do. You should not only define what the solution should do but also define what the solution will not do. The requirements should be stated in a manner that nothing is left for imagination or which creates doubts.

Define the features required. Elaborate on the features required in the software solution. In Technical terms define Functional and Non-functional requirements . Try and capture the "What's" and not "How's".

Capture all supporting information. Include details about the Processes followed, Workflow, Information flow, hierarchies etc. Record any other information which might be relevant to the solution under consideration. Identify the source of all requirements and have them in documented in such a way that they are manageable.

Once you have applied all the above tips you will have Feasible, Non conflicting, Unambiguous, Traceable and Testable Requirements.

Benefits of Good Requirement Analysis
Cost Savings Shorten your development cycle Get a product that meets your needs Boost the team's productivity Reduce rework and conflicts arising from unclear and ambiguous requirements

Now that we understand how important it is to get the requirements right early on. Go and get your requirements right the first time...

You can look forward to the following topics in the series of requirement capture and analysis - Documenting Requirements, Common problems encountered during requirement analysis.

Pooja Gupta is a Co-Founder of FDSC, a software development company in India providing a range of software development services and helping it's customers achieve their business goals. Service offerings include new product development, custom software development, web based content management systems, business analysis and more.

2011年5月23日 星期一

This is a brand new substitute inverter module. By analysis the failure of the original inverter, our engineers had come up with a better circuit design which is a lot more dependable. 90 Days Warranty.

This is a brand new substitute inverter module. By analysis the failure of the original inverter, our engineers had come up with a better circuit design which is a lot more dependable. 90 Days Warranty.It is economic, convenience and easy to repair your defective Laptop screen. No technical skills require performing the replacement. Anyone can do it! Defective backlight Inverter may has the following symptom: No picture on screen but power indicate light stays on.Dark display but still readable.Screen Flash on and Off between 1/2 to a few secondsPower light stays on but no display and soundNo picture on screen but LCD TV still has soundPicture cycles on and off as well as power LED light.


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2011年5月22日 星期日

Shoptalk: Let's Talk...5-Gas Analysis Diagnosing Emission Failures [VHS]

This "masterful treatment of one of the most complex periods of American history" (New Republic) made history when it was originally published in 1988. It redefined how Reconstruction was viewed by historians and people everywhere in its chronicling of how Americans -- black and white -- responded to the unprecedented changes unleashed by the war and the end of slavery. This "smart book of enormous strengths" (Boston Globe) has since gone on to become the classic work on the wrenching post-Civil War period -- an era whose legacy reverberates still today in the United States.

Price: $79.95

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2011年5月21日 星期六

Scanning Acoustic Microscopy for Electronic Failure Analysis

Electronic failure analysis services are an often undervalued tool in the semiconductor and electronics industries. Manufacturers are beginning to understand that quality and reputation are linked, in much the same way that profit and failure analysis (FA) are connected. In an area such as integrated circuit (IC) boards and semiconductors, a timely and accurate FA can be the difference between success and failure for a company's product line. It appears that electronic failure analysis tools and techniques are becoming nearly as sophisticated as the materials and components they are analyzing.

In the past, most semiconductor manufacturers trusted heavily in destructive testing to analyze their company's defective products. Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SAM) is a new tool that now provides FA engineers with the ability to non-destructively map semiconductor layers or perform a component-level analysis of an IC board.

Using several principles and methods, SAM has become a "guiding light" for many that had almost given up hope of attaining an accurate and efficient non-destructive FA tool.

The principle of Scanning Acoustic Microscopy is similar to that of a SONAR system on a ship, in that it uses reflective sound waves to map individual semiconductor layers. The sound reflectance is then measured and a technician can produce a mapped image of the specified layer.

SAM is highly successful in determining delaminations of specific layers of semiconductor metals and is able to produce images of those same layers. SAM is also proficient at determining material failures, cracks, and voids, and is useful in measuring the thickness of individual layers.

Electronic failure analysis is not only an important tool in the semiconductor and integrated circuit board industry, it is absolutely essential! A FA service that utilizes Scanning Acoustic Microscopy can be your company's biggest advantage over your competitors.

Thomas Paquette is the founder and president of Insight Analytical Labs, an electrical engineering firm offering electronic failure analysis to the semiconductor and printed circuit board (PCB) industries. Tom is an expert at assessing new integrated circuit (IC) technologies, implementing failure analysis solutions, improving board-level reliability and supporting IC development efforts. If you are looking for a one-stop electronics failure analysis lab then visit Tom's website at the following link to receive a free consultation.

OCZ Technology 250 GB Z Drive 2 Series m84 PCI Express Solid State Drive (SSD) OCZSSDPX-ZD2M84256G

OCZ Technology 250 GB Z Drive 2 Series m84 PCI Express Solid State Drive (SSD) OCZSSDPX-ZD2M84256GOCZ Technology Z-Drive R2 m84 Solid State Drive OCZSSDPX-ZD2M84256G Solid State Drives

Price: $1,117.99

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2011年5月20日 星期五

The Importance of Forex Technical Analysis to Forex Traders

One of the most effective and efficient ways to profit in the currency trade is forex technical analysis. Studying forex charts eventually leads to success in currency trading, but a trader must be careful to avoid some of the most common mistakes made by most currency traders. Whether you are a beginner or have been in the trade but have never utilized forex technical analysis, you must learn some basic facts and myths to increase your chances of getting the moves right and eventually benefit in your investment venture.

Points to Consider When Using Forex Technical Analysis in your Trading Strategy

History repeats itself - If you are keen in studying foreign exchange, you need not be told that chart patterns in currency trade repeat themselves over time. However, it is vital to understand that they repeat themselves with scientific accuracy. Although trading in currency is an investment full of odds and not certainties, forex technical analysis can turn such odds to a very profitable business venture when you learn to use them to predict future chart patterns. What is important in this case is that a trader makes moves at the right time and calculated risks to achieve trading success.
With forex technical analysis and charts, studying news is not relevant - many foreign exchange traders rely heavily in newswires and broker arguments. In most cases, these are just arguments and opinions. No matter how convincing they are, opinions and arguments will never be more accurate than foreign exchange scrutiny.
Foreign exchange trading is a reality - The fundamentals are very important, no matter how difficult they are in judging the impact they have on the currency market or how currency traders perceive them. Forex technical analysis works with the assumption that all fundamentals show up promptly and in the price action. A trader relying on foreign exchange scrutiny will be more concerned about how prices shift and not necessarily why the currency prices are shifting. What a good trader needs to know is how a situation can result in profit and whether it is worth locking into and holding onto a particular foreign exchange scrutiny trend when it happens.
Objectivity - An ideal foreign exchange system should be rule based, it should have no room for subjective tools and must be held in place by factual discipline. Most failures in this trade rely in a large part to poor trading methods and improper strategies. The basis of a proper foreign exchange scrutiny is made of strong currency strategies, understanding of support and resistance, confirmation and money management. When used the right way, forex technical analysis can offer an investor life changing income, trading a few minutes a day. Prepare well by studying and make foreign exchange analysis a core part of your training.

My name is Michael Carletti. I begun trading Forex at the age of 18. I have traded Forex successfully for over 10 years. However, it was not until I started using intelligent trading robots that I really begun to experience phenomenal success. To see details of an amazing application that will win you trades over and over, CLICK HERE [].

2011年5月19日 星期四

Seeing the Success of PEST Analysis Through PEST Real-Life Examples

There are many variations of the PEST analysis including PESTLE, STEP, STEEPLE, PESTEL and STEEPLED. However, no matter which variation you use, the main goal here is to make an observation about the external environmental factors that you cannot control. There are many forms of assessment schemes that have been introduced but normally they only keep track of the inside elements that are related to your business. Some would just take a look at the behavior of your customers as opposed to the PEST analysis which takes on different areas namely politics, economics, social and technology. PEST is applied on businesses and is usually a part of business planning strategy. PEST real-life examples can aid you in understanding how you can use this form of evaluation to your own company.

PEST guides can be very helpful especially those that contain PEST analysis users stories. Such stories can assist beginners in determining the right method for them to utilize the said system of assessment. Most organizations fail to realize that the financial records are not the only reports that they should use in order to find out how they are performing. In addition to the performance of the employees and the efficiency of the processes, there is a need to take a look outside of the business. This is what PEST analysis is all about since it takes on the political, economical, social and technological factors that might bring your organization to success or to failure.

The PEST real-life examples enable the company to link itself to the samples given. This way, it will be easier for the managers or the CEOs to scan their environment using the PEST analysis. Being able to utilize PEST effectively can aid in making more informed decisions. We all know that the firms today are dealing with constant and sometimes extreme changes. This is why one has to detect the opportunities and make the most out of them while eliminating the threats or minimizing their harmful effects.

With the aid of the PEST real-life examples, you can gain knowledge about how you should employ the said scheme into your business. You will learn why there are some that do not succeed in using PEST and also discover how others are able to fully adopt the method of assessment into their business. In this case, you will learn the best practices and be able to apply them into your company. In line with this, you can avoid the incorrect ways in executing the PEST analysis, which can eventually lead you into gaining advantage against your competitions.

The PEST real-life examples are the most ideal guide especially for the beginners because they will know the common and accepted frameworks, the external factors that they should be aware of, the PEST analysis cycle, the correct application of the evaluation process and the impact of such type of analysis after businesspeople have executed this perfectly into their organization. What you may not know about this is that PEST analysis is not only meant for commercial or non-profit companies. This can also be a part of personal development planning so that you can make the right decisions for your future to be what you intend to it to become.

If you are interested in PEST real-life examples, check this web-site to learn more about PEST real-life examples.

2011年5月18日 星期三

How to Avoid Failure of Software Project

A successful software project is completed on time and on budget, with all features and functions as envisaged. Challenged software project is completed and operational but it exceeds budget, time estimate and works with fewer features and functions than originally conceived. Impaired software project gets canceled at some point during the development cycle.

A research suggests that 16.2% projects are successful, 52.7% software projects are challenged and 31.1% are impaired software project.

One should concentrate on the following points to enjoy the success

User involvement
Executive management support
Clear statements of requirements
Proper planning
Realistic expectations
Smaller project milestones
Competent staff
Clear vision and objectives
Hard working and focused staff
One should avoid the following reasons for failure

The development team did not posses the matching skill set and experience

Lack of involvement of users during the development process
Payment was not related to productivity
Frequent change in the development team
Absence of modular structure in design
Poor HR management
Lack of sense of ownership among the users
The changing needs and requirements of the users were not addressed
Lack of proper documentation
Lack of proper distribution of roles and responsibilities
Improper test planning
Poor requirement management
Poor data design
Improper choice of technology
Inadequate management support
Poor management vision
Poor project communication
Inadequate user training
Frequent change in the user team
System not user friendly
Conflict among stakeholder
All these reasons for failure can be categorized in to four different chunks

In house capability

The development team did not posses the matching skill set and experience, absence of modular structure in design, poor data design, inadequate user training, improper choice of technology

Client commitment

Lack of involvement of users during the development process, lack of sense of ownership among the users, payment was not related to productivity, conflict among stakeholders, frequent change in the user team.

Project management

Poor HR management, lack of proper distribution of roles and responsibilities, inadequate management support, poor management vision, poor project communication, improper test planning, Lack of proper documentation, frequent change in the development team.

Requirement Management

The changing needs and requirements of the user were not addressed, system not user friendly, poor requirement analysis and management.

All these points should be treated as a first step.

Prajakta Chandrakant Dhote, Jr Faculty IT in ICFAI National College, chandrapur, Maharashtra, India. At present doing research on Fuzzy Logic

Why Buildings Fall Down: How Structures Fail

Why Buildings Fall Down: How Structures Fail

The authors examine buildings of all kinds, from ancient domes like Istanbul's Hagia Sophia to the state-of-the-art Hartford Civic Arena. Their subjects range from the man-caused destruction of the Parthenon to the earthquake damage of 1989 in Armenia and San Francisco.

The stories that make up Why Buildings Fall Down are in the end very human ones, tales of the interaction of people and nature, of architects, engineers, builders, materials, and natural forces all coming together in sometimes dramatic (and always instructive) ways. B/W line drawings

Price: $16.95

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2011年5月17日 星期二

Is Diet Analysis the Key to Losing Weight?

It seems as each week passes a new diet is introduced with its promises of instant weight loss. The truth is that while some are shams, others in fact do work. So which diet or diets are the right diet for your particular needs? The only way that you can determine that is through diet analysis.

The Science Of Diet Analysis

You see, no two people and no two metabolisms are alike, so what works for one person may not in fact be the best diet for another. Lifestyle and metabolic differences are just two key factors that have to be accounted for in any diet analysis.

Diet Analysis and Food Allergies

There are also other mitigating factors, such as medical issues that may have to be taken into account as well. For instance, food allergies are one new area of study that dietitians are continuing to learn more about.

Making New Inroads In Losing Weight

So the science of diet analysis is now making new inroads into how people are losing weight and finally keeping it off today. Also new diet analysis software is finding more uses by dietitians and ordinary people just like yourself who may have had trouble losing weight in the past.

A Very Complex Issue

It's a fact that there is more to losing weigh then just cutting down on the amount of food that is being consumed. If this were the case then losing weight would be a simple matter. The fact is that the science of diet analysis is what is key to permanent weight loss.

The Quest For Permanent Weight Loss

Before you undertake another fad diet that statistically is bound to lead to failure, consider looking into new diet analysis software that can offer a permanent solution to your weight problem. After all, when you are done with whatever diet you choose, you still will be left with what ever problems led to your original weight gain.

Article was written by Maximo Ulanday. Find the latest information on Diet Analysis as well as Diet Software.

2011年5月16日 星期一

BSC People Analysis As an Efficient Method For Evaluating Employees' Performance

Balanced scorecards (BSC) are tools for analysis and measurement of performance, not just of organizational structures and systems, but of people as well. After all, structures and systems do not function independent of people. In short, while it is the primary goal of balanced scorecards to install efficient mechanisms that facilitate as well as measure accomplishment, a good balanced scorecard will also detect when people or employees assigned to specific tasks are not up to their jobs. BSC people analysis can be designed to monitor as well as evaluate employees' performance.

A diligently structured BSC provides not just the objectives, intervening activities, and desired outputs. It also takes into account the people or employees who are supposed to accomplish the tasks and activities leading to accomplishments of plans. A good BSC assigns tasks to people based on displayed capacities. Assigning a particular job to an employee with unknown qualities or with mismatched skills is a prescription to failure. However one looks at it, BSC cannot effectively function as a viable measure if analysis of people performance is left out. This is because less than desirable outputs e.g., lagging sales or decreasing production cannot automatically be attributed to a faulty structure, a wrong plan, or policy. Problems can be attributed to these factors as much as to people not doing or who are unable to do their assigned tasks properly.

Top management of many companies has the tendency to focus too much on the larger picture and the financial aspects of operations. They end up neglecting people and structures that have weighty impacts on how well the companies perform towards accomplishing targets, which is unfortunate since with the proper use of BSC, plans can be more comprehensive by incorporating into them methods of addressing and evaluating root causes that lead to poor structure and people performance.

Balanced scorecards break down strategic or general plans into smaller units in the form of specific tasks and activities that are then assigned to individual employees. These activities are the basis for analyzing employee performance. Simply put, the balanced scorecards try to establish routines to ensure that all activities of employees are focused and directed at attaining strategic plans. This makes analysis of employee performance easier, as activities are accompanied by clear, quantifiable, and expected outputs.

Prior to the emergence of Balanced Scorecards as an important management tool for measuring performance, employee performance analysis is primarily based on prepared job descriptions. Balanced scorecards fill the gaps evident when companies rely solely on job descriptions, which are often vague and not quantifiable. And because they do not provide specifications of outputs, such as quality and timeframes, performance analysis is not grounded on specific contributions of employees to the advancement of the company.

BSC people analysis is much more effective in measuring employee's performance since it contains tools - job matching, delegating, and the like - that help translate general goals and plans into day-to-day routines. This is an enormous task, especially for large organizations. But this can be made easier by practicing an expanded planning scheme where more employees are involved. Some companies adopt more participatory schemes where planning is done from bottom up. Meaning, each section or department is responsible for formulating implementation plans based on strategic plans. Top management reviews the plans, ensuring that they are properly zeroed in and making revisions when required. This system eliminates the need for time-consuming orientations since more people have a hand on the drafting of the plan, including its specific activities. This helps in developing the routines from which analysis of employees performance is to be based later on.

If you are interested in BSC People Analysis, check this web-site to learn more about bsc people kpi.

Battery Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Part 3

In part 1 and 2 of the article series Battery Failure Mode and Effects Analysis we identified that a battery mode and effects analysis is a procedure for identifying and understanding potential failure modes in a battery system. We found that a battery mode and effects analysis contains four main steps or phases including:

Battery Mode Pre-work - explained in part 1

Battery Failure Severity - explained in part 2

Battery Failure Occurrence - explained in part 2

Battery Failure Detection

Now in part 3 of Battery Failure Mode and Effects Analysis I will address Battery Failure Detection and wrap with a summary of the article series.

Battery Failure Detection

Battery failure detection is method of inspection that is used when examining failure modes within a battery system. The method of detecting a battery failure begins with a review of existing system controls that are designed to prevent failure modes. Next comes testing, analysis, and monitoring failures. The purpose of which is to understand why a particular mode is failing. When a failure mode occurs, a detection number that represents the likelihood of detecting a failure mode, is subsequently assigned, and after a series of detections the total number of detection numbers are collected and added together to give a total score of battery failure modes; the lower the detection number is the better the overall battery system design schema.

Remember as in all of the three previous articles it has been noted that the purpose of a battery failure mode and effects analysis is to identify and understand potential failure modes in a battery system. The reason why this is so important is that customers, who provide cash-flow (the lifeblood of a company), must be satisfied. Satisfaction as it relates to batteries is the lowest possible cost while still maintaining the best possible battery product. Thus insuring the lowest possible detection number is critically important to insuring the maximum potential of a company involved in battery design, manufacturing and sales.

Battery Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Summary

Over the last three articles we looked a battery failure mode and effects analysis and learned how helpful this procedure is for analyzing potential failure modes in a battery system. Discovering potential defects in a battery design or manufacturing process is extremely helpful in controlling business expenses and losses as well helping to make more efficient the overall battery development project. A battery failure mode and effects analysis is also closely associated with six sigma methodologies and is a proactive tool for reducing errors, reducing expenses, and increasing profits. Now you could probably find a failure mode and analysis software online or you can build a custom template (that would be my preference) to suit your individual needs. Regardless, simply integrating a battery failure mode and effects analysis into your battery design process, battery manufacturing process, and battery sales process is a valuable tool in helping providing the best possible product to customers.

? Dan Hagopian
You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included with link. Dan Hagopian of is a known electronics author that specializes in battery power technology, portable power, and handheld electronic gadgets. His work can be found on the BatteryShip blog at Dan frequently writes about battery development, battery failures, battery usage, and battery news and information from inside the battery industry. For further information please visit BatteryShip for all battery products or BatteryEducation for more battery articles.

2011年5月15日 星期日

2011 LotWin Lottery Line Builder

One-Click version of best Lottery software is out now more than 30 filters. LotWin Professional lotto software available on a monthly risk-free subscription. Real-time statistics analysis more than 110 lotteries supported. Highest future and $ per Sale

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2011年5月14日 星期六

3 Reasons For Premature Bearing Failure (And How To Avoid Them)

Every failed bearing tells a story - one that can help identify machinery problems, maintenance issues, bearing selection errors and other important issues. Are you interested?

In the pulp and paper industry, bearings face harsh conditions every day, and this can result in premature bearing failure. When bearings fail, quick replacement to minimize downtime is the first priority. In fact, taking the time to investigate the causes of bearing failure can actually increase uptime and decrease both maintenance time and cost.


Creep is where slipping occurs at the fitting surfaces and thereby creates a clearance at the fitting surface.

What to Look For: A shiny bearing surface, occasionally with scoring or wear.


Insufficient interference or loose fit

Insufficient sleeve tightening


Check the interference, and prevent rotation

Correct the sleeve tightening

Study the shaft and housing precision

Preload in the axial direction

Tighten the raceway ring side face

Apply adhesive to the fitting surface

Apply a film of lubricant to the fitting surface


Flaking occurs when small pieces of bearing material are split off from the smooth surface of the raceway or rolling elements due to rolling fatigue, thereby creating regions having rough and coarse texture.

What to Look For: Rough, course texture on the bearing surface.


Excessive load

Poor mounting (misalignment)

Moment load

Entry of foreign debris, water penetration

Poor lubrication, improper lubricant

Unsuitable bearing clearance

Improper precision for shaft or housing, unevenness in housing rigidity, large shaft bending

Progression from rust, corrosion pits, smearing, dents (brinelling)


Reconfirm the bearing application and check the load conditions

Improve the mounting method

Improve the sealing mechanism, prevent rusting during non-running

Use a lubricant with a proper viscosity, improve the lubrication method

Check the precision of shaft and housing

Check the bearing internal clearance


Smearing is surface damage that occurs from a collection of small seizures between bearing components caused by oil film rupture and/or sliding.

What to Look For: Surface roughening occurs along with melting.


High speed and light load

Sudden acceleration/deceleration

Improper lubricant

Entry of water


Improve the preload

Improve the bearing clearance

Use a lubricant with good oil film formation ability

Improve the lubrication method (download our Lubrication Guide for easy reference)

Improve the sealing mechanism

Bearing failure not only affects specific equipment, it can cause entire facilities to grind to a halt. Don't address the immediate problem by simply installing a new bearing; investigate the cause of bearing failure. You may be able to prolong bearing life, improve productivity and reduce maintenance costs by identifying and resolving issues around bearing selection, mounting, lubrication and application.

For more information on maximizing bearing life to increase uptime, visit and access our online solution guide!

NSK Corporation

An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements

An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical MeasurementsThe need for error analysis is captured in the book's arresting cover shot - of the 1895 Paris train disaster (also available as a wall poster). The early chapters teach elementary techniques of error propagation and statistical analysis to enable students to produce successful lab reports. Later chapters treat a number of more advanced mathematical topics, with many examples from mechanics and optics. End-of-chapter problems include many that call for use of calculators or computers, and numerous figures help readers visualize uncertainties using error bars. "Score a hit! ...the book reveals the exceptional skill of the author as lecturer and teacher...a valuable reference work for any student (or instructor) in the sciences and engineering." The Physics Teacher "This is a well written book with good illustrations, index and general bibliography...The book is well suited for engineering and science courses at universities and as a basic reference text for those engineers and scientists in practice." Strain, Journal of the British Society for Strain Measurement

Price: $44.50

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2011年5月13日 星期五

1,000 Weeks of Lotto - What Worked, What Didnt!

A Lotto Winners In-Depth Analysis of 1,000 Lotto Games Twenty Years of Lottery Results Analysed. The Unique, Nowhere-Else-On-The-Web 20-Year Lotto Results Analysis that measures Theory v Actual Results - Shows You The Smart Plays and The Dumb Plays!

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2011年5月12日 星期四

The Ultimate Loan Modification Guidebook

The Most Comprehensive Loan Mod/Stop Foreclosure Guide Online. Complete with detailed examples, forms and worksheets, and our own proven expert pre-qual method. Now featuring a complete analysis of the New Obama Guides and a Free 70pg Credit Repair Ebook!

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